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20” x 16” Oil painting on stretched canvas

I painted this image knowing about the amazing destiny of the salmon. The Pacific salmon start in fresh water, they migrate to the ocean, after that they return home to spawn and finish their life cycle.

The female’s nest of eggs is fertilized and in the spring time the eggs hatch and alevins migrate back to the ocean. This image was gifted to my co-worker, who retired.

I enjoyed working with her and I felt to give her this painting.

6 thoughts on “Destiny

  1. I really like this painting because I can see the sun rays penetrate the water and the salmon looking up at the sun rays. It is so imaginative and so west coast.

  2. Nagyon szeretem ezt a kepet.A napsugarakat, a fenyt, ahogy megcsillan a halakon. Az egesz kep nyugalmat araszt, pedig minden mozgasban van: a viz, a halak, a feny vibral. El a kep! Gyonyoru!

    1. Nagyon szeretem a halak vonulasat felfele, hogy lerakjak az ikraikat. Olyan tragikus, hogy kozben elelmiszerkent ott vannak a medveknek, ragadozo madaraknak. Miutan lerakjak az ikrakat, el is pusztulnak. A Termeszet korforgasa kulonleges es erdekes.

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